Oscura On-Hand For Remote Technical Support
27 April 2020
Covid-19 Update: We hope you and your business are faring well during these difficult times.
In recent weeks, Oscura have been busy providing technical support for our customers who have switched to working from home.
We remain available to help you and your team work remotely, and can advise on and supply cloud based solutions, such as Microsoft Office 365 e-mail and file storage to enable this.
Oscura provide the vast majority of our technical assistance via contact free remote connections. This enables us to help by viewing your screen to troubleshoot any IT issues you are having from home.
We are here to help you either on a one-off basis, if you need immediate assistance, or on a flexible contract.
Whether you need some advise on remote working or technical assistance call us on 0118 959 7200 or e-mail us on support@oscura.co.uk.
We look forward to hearing from you.